

Low self-esteem confidence

Low self-esteem is a serious condition, usually originating in childhood and manifesting itself in negative ways in adult behaviour and relationships.

It is considered to be a condition in its own right rather than a consequence of other conditions and can seriously hamper interactions and communication to the detriment of both the sufferer and people they are in relationships with.

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Assertiveness issues

I’m afraid of what they will do if I say ‘no’.

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Power and control

I have to give in.

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They either change or end relationships.

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The number of sessions required

The length of time spent in counselling is flexible and varies according to individual needs. Some people make rapid progress; others find themselves in a position of requiring longer-term support. Usually counselling sessions are weekly until the acute stage is passed and then may become fortnightly and finally monthly or stop when clients feel there is some form of resolution and they have the necessary skills to maintain their relationships themselves.

My theoretical approach

Integrate various theoretical approaches in my counselling, including systemic theory, attachment and loss, person centered counselling, psychodynamic therapy and transactional analysis, also using aspects of cognitive behavioral therapy and neuro linguistic programming.